Here we go with this week's issue of my grandmother & great grandmother's memory book. Today are two obituaries that someone, probably my grandmother, cut out of the newspaper and put in the memory book between pages 14 & 15.
First one reads:
"Greer Child SuccumbsSecond one reads:
Mr and Mrs Paul Greer, of
Hardyville, have the sympathy
of friends and relatives in the
death of their five year old daugh-
ter, Kathy Gale Greer, who suc-
cumbed last Thursday night at
the home of her grandparents Mr
and Mrs. W. J. Phillips, 210 Cedar
street, after an illness of six
Also surviving are a sister
Paula Fae Greer, at home; and
paternal grandparents, Mr and
Mrs Clyde Greer, Knob Lick.
Funeral services and interment
were conducted Saturday after-
noon at Big Meadow cemetery
under direction of Crow Funeral
"Clyde Dillon, 53, was instantlyAccording to the Kentucky Death Index 1911-2000, Kathy Greer died in Barren County Kentucky on 11 Jul 1957 and Clyde Dillon died on 18 Jul 1957 in Metcalfe County, Kentucky.
killed about 5:00 a.m. Thursday
when his car was struck by a pipe
line truck at the Y on Greensburg
road. The heavy fog is thought to
have been the cause of the tragedy.
Lewis Brown who was in the care
with him suffered a broken arm
and collar bone. Mr Dillon was a
son of the late Mr and Mrs John
Dillon, and was at present employed
at Edmonton Farm Center. He is
survived by is wife, Mrs Selma
Dillon 3 sisters, Mrs. Maxie Oakes
Knob Lick, Miss Anna Mae Dillon,
Mrs Leola Gollar, Louisville, one
brother, Lester, Sulphur Well, one
aunt, Mrs. Frank Price, Knob Lick
two uncles, Arthur Thompson, Knob
Lick, Polk Dillon, Louisville, one
half uncle, Jim Dillon, Hiseville
two half sisters Misses Bertie and
Mamie Dillon, Denver, Colo. 1 half
brother, Lee, Winlock, Wash. Fun-
eral services will be conducted by
Rev. J. W. Barton at Butler Funeral
Home Saturday afternoon at 2:00
with burial in Edmonton cemetery.
The entire community is shocked
and grieved and join in deepest
sympathy for the sorrowing family."
I wonder if that is why my grandmother had them together in between the same pages of the book?
Can't say that I've seen too many obituaries that list 1/2 uncles.
Hope you enjoyed, glad you stopped by and please come back again ;)

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