Through out this memory book my great-grandmother and grandmother not only wrote about the death of friends, neighbors and relatives they also cut out newspaper clippings about various happenings. Today's postings shows an obituary that was between two pages of the memory book.
The obituary from an unknown paper reads exactly:
"Young Woman Passes
The commuity was o'ershadow.
ed with sorrow Thursday morning
to learn of the death of Annie Mary
Glass, age 22. Annie Mary died at
the community hospital Thursday
evening at 7 o'clock. She had
been suffering for several weeks
from brain Hemorages and for the
past week had been in the hospital
but her condition was critical and
little could be done for her.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Shockley, and love-
ly young woman. She leaves sur-
viving. her husband Mr. Lonnie
Glass and 2 small sons John Wil-
liammage 5 years and Marshall age
3 years, her mother and father and
one brother Roy Shockley all of
Randolph, Ky. Several uncles
and aunts, to mourn her un-
timely death. Funeral services
were held at Pleasant Hill church
by Rev. Veachel Jones Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was
in cemetery at that place, midst a
large and sorrowing crowd of rel-
atives and friends."
According to the Kentucky Death Records 1852-1953 found on Annie Glass died on 15 Oct 1936 at T. J. Samson Community Hospital in Glasgow, Barren County, Kentucky. She was born on 23 Sept 1914 to Clarence Shockley and Versie Shirley. She was buried in Pleasant Hill Kentucky.
Hope you enjoyed, glad you stopped by and please come back again ;)

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