Monday, May 30, 2011

Family Sayings Sunday - Checkity Apron

Oops, I missed yesterday! But I will go ahead and post today the next installment of Family Sayings Sunday.

This week's saying is:
"Don't let me turn you over my checkity apron!"
I know, I know "checkity" is not a word. My daughter pointed this out to me but again I didn't make up the news I just report it.

Anyway, my paternal grandmother would say this phrase to me when she felt as though I was getting a little too big for my britches or if I was back talking her. Something that I don't think happened all that often, but then I may be looking back through rose-colored glasses.

Hope you enjoyed, glad you stopped by and please come back again ;)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Family Sayings Sunday - Can't swing a dead cat!

Well, I'm back again with the second installment in my "Family Sayings Sunday" prompt. Hope all has been well with you and yours since we last visited.

This week's saying:
"You can't swing a dead cat over your head down there, without hitting somebody that is kin to {insert prolific family surname}!"
Now the explanation:
An area has a lot of people with the same surname and they all are related either by blood or marriage.

Purely a rhetorical question: How far does a dead cat go if you swing it over your head?

Anyway, just another crazy saying from a crazy Kentucky family!

How about your family, what kind of sayings did they have?

Hope you enjoyed, glad you stopped by and please come back again ;)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Challenge Accepted!

Randy Seaver over at Genea-Musings has another one of his Saturday Night Genealogy Fun Challenges. His challenge was:
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:

1)  Go to the Wordle site - and create your own unique Wordle  - it's a word cloud.  You can use either a clump of text, enter your own words (say, surnames, or given names), use a blog page address, or something else.  Your choice!  Be creative with the fonts, colors, backgrounds, and layout. 

2)  Save it as an image (I used Print Screen, pasted it to a Word document, used the Windows snipping tool to edit it, and saved it to a file).  Tell us how you did it.

3)  Show us your handiwork!  Add the image to a blog post of your own or on a web page of your own.  Tell me in a comment here where it is.  

Note: If you want to email it to me (, I'll put it up here on Genea-Musings for you as an update to this post.
I read this challenge and thought, "challenge accepted!"

I have used Wordle in the past and love the sight. The way that I have used Wordle in the past is to create a front cover for my family albums, so I know which families are contained within each binder.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

New Series - Family Sayings Sunday - Fine as frog hair!

Ok, I think I have found something out about myself, I post on a more regular basis if I have a series for which I am posting.

So, with that in mind, I am going to start a new series for myself called, "Family Sayings Sunday." These postings will contain sayings that I have heard my family use while growing up and then an explanation/translation of the saying. Full disclosure: I've even been heard using most of these. ;)


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